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Friday, January 20, 2012

White Picket Fences, $5 Tik-Toks, and 3 AM Fung-Shui

I know people always say the grass is greener on the other side, but it is my firm belief that the grass is definitely greener on the other side of the white picket fence. By that I mean that, after two years, I'm sick of living in an apartment building. I WANT A HOUSE ALREADY!

Unfortunately, our financial circumstances do not allow us to buy a house at this time. Hence, we are stuck in an apartment for the time being. And I know that in these tough economic times, we should feel lucky to have jobs and a roof over our heads.

But that doesn't mean that I can't still bitch and moan. At this moment, I am sitting at the bar in Pizzeria Uno's with my laptop on borrowed Wifi and a glass of $4.99 Tik-Tok chardonnay. That alone should make you feel sorry for me. You will find out why I am here in just a few moments, depending on how fast a reader you are.

Without further ado, I present to you:

       The Top Five Reasons Why Living in an Apartment Building Royally Blows

1. The Shower

You know the Katy Perry song "Hot 'N Cold"? Well, I truly believe it was written not about a fickle lover but about an apartment building shower head. Katy must have had some doozies in her day before she hit it big. She knows what I'm talking about.

You turn on the water. You wait about thirteen hours for it to heat up to a bearable temperature. You step in, thinking, "Finally, a warm, relaxing shower after a long day at work." You enjoy it for exactly two seconds when suddenly......YOWZERS!!!!! It feels like you just stepped through the seventh gate of hell. Even the Bible says that the devil takes the form of a snake, and what's more snake-like than a shower head?

At one point it got so bad that I heard Dave wrestling with the devil himself behind the shower curtain, pleading, "Why can't you just be normal?!"

2. The Predetermined Cable Provider

Okay, you've read this far, so now you deserve to know the truth. After the NBA strike that truncated the season, Dave and I, and possibly Carmelo Anthony's mother, are the only people left in the country that have any interest in watching the Knicks. After the strike ended and the NBA decided to stop screwing the fans, MSG and Time Warner Cable seemed to pick up where the NBA left off. More billion-dollar corporations that don't give a rat's behind about the common fan. But I digress.

Guess who does have MSG? That's right, you sly dog. Pizzeria Uno's. And it's right across the street. And they have cheap, decent wine. And $5 20-ounce Killian's. And free Wifi. Okay, that's too many sentences that begin with "and." My students would be disappointed. But my point is, before all you hipsters out there  scorn corporate conglomerate food chains, know the facts.

But all those five-buck drinks do add up. Viewing Knicks games is still costing us money. And it's easy to blame MSG, but my landlord is more accessible. So I'll blame her.

3. Inattentive "Handy"-Men

Stressful showers and missed Knicks losses (yeah, there have been a lot of them) are small potatoes compared to the time Dave and I woke up in a waterbed. The people above us must have lost a battle with their shower head and we got the brunt of it. The last thing you want to be woken up by is your spouse asking you, "Honey, why is the bed wet?" There's really no good answer to that question.

So we told Sammy the super--by the way, I don't know what genius came up with that title--whose initial solution was to tell us, "Maybe it'll just go away on its own."  Spoiler alert--it didn't. Time heals all wounds, but not all leaks. After three weeks of chasing Sammy, he came up with a slightly better solution. Use the packaging tape we had lying around the house from our moving days to patch it up. For the time being, it's holding, but if they give us shit about our security deposit when we do finally move, I'm not having it.

4. The Rent Never Comes Out

Our landlord, no joke, owns like three-quarters of Bay Ridge. In short form, she's a rich bitch. So I don't understand why the Donald Trump of Brooklyn can't hire some decent CPAs that make sure our rent check gets cashed within a reasonable amount of time. Our rent is due on the first of the month. It is rare if it comes out of our account before the fifteenth. We have considered telling her we have to suddenly move out of the country in order to get out of our lease, but we're too afraid that the next apartment we rent will belong to her too.

5. The Noise Upstairs

Our illustrious upstairs neighbors have been the source of our chagrin in more ways than one. There's the aforementioned leak, which I really can't blame them for since humans are basically powerless against forces of evil. But their other offenses are certainly preventable. They seem to enjoy walking heavily in high-heeled boots and moving furniture often, especially at odd hours of the night. I have yet to meet these people, but apparently they are the kind of folk who enjoy fung-shui at 3:00 in the morning. My only conclusion? They must be of the dreaded hipster variety. They're the only kind of people who would be awake in the wee hours for lack of anything better to do in the morning.

I'm waiting for all you homeowners out there to tell me, "Wait unitl you have a mortgage to pay." Or, "An inattentive handyman is better than no handyman at all." Because I totally disagree. A mortgage is better than rent, hands down, because your money is actually going towards something rather than down the toilet. And I'll take the work of my husband's hands over "super" Sammy any day.

Maybe I should have tipped him at Christmas. Sigh. There's always next year.


  1. Remembering the days before I was married...never knew in the apartment either if the shower water would be'd want to be the first one in the shower and you had a better chance! Keep saving!

  2. home owning is so much better. just bought our home three years ago because it was a buyers market and we were sick of the intrusive tenants living below us. we love the privacy and i own all my leaks & cracks. save up the $$$ it is all worth it. nancy

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