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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Self-Deprecation, Beer, and Good Grammar

A blog: what a beautiful thing for a writer.  Writers, by nature, are used to rejection, so to have an unwavering forum for our inconsequential musings really is a valuable thing.  It's like, nobody wants to publish what I'm writing, so I'll throw it on the internet where they don't have a choice, they have to publish it.  What would make me think that I would have anything to say that anyone else would want to read is beyond me.  But here's hoping.  And whether or not anyone's reading it, I'm gonna write it anyway. 

In case you haven't noticed yet, I'm more into self-deprecation than bragging.  I like it better that way.  Then when you actually succeed at something you're pleasantly surprised.  So hopefully I'm succeeding in entertaining you (all four of you anyway).  But by now you may be wondering what this blog, Girl's Eye View, is all about, and why you should read it, even if you're a guy.  First I'd like to tell you a little about myself for the few people who might be reading this who aren't members of my family.

My name is Liz.  I'm 28 years old and I was born in Queens.  I now live in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn with my husband Dave.  We just got married last summer.  I teach first grade in Queens.  However, as much as I love my job, one of my great loves was always writing.  You can ask my mom, who was forced to read ungodly amounts of handwritten stories about dinosaurs when I was a kid.  I have a masters in Creative Writing which, heretofore, has proven itself useless except for the simple fact that I enjoyed pursuing it, which is more than you can say for most classes you take in college. 

So besides writing, here are some of my other obsessions: beer, wine, food (noticing a theme here?), the Yankees, and basically sports in general, reality television, good grammar, the gym, rock music, art, and mocking myself and other people.  Those are the things I'll be writing mostly about, in the context of a 28-year-old female New Yorker's life.  But as you can see, many of them are universal concepts, especially the part about mocking other people.  So that's why I think you should continue to read my blog, if you've read this far already.  You'll definitely find something you can relate to.  Or rather, something to which you can relate.  I'm a writer; I shouldn't be ending sentences in prepositions. 

When I told Dave I was going to be starting this blog, he was like, "That's cool.  Make it about New York.   And drinking and sports.  Like, places in New York where you can go to drink and watch sports."  And I'm definitely going to give you guys that.  There are not a whole lot of things I consider myself an expert on, but where to go in New York to drink and watch sports is definitely one of them.  So, faithful Girl's Eye View reader(s?), you'll get to hear about all my obsessions.  And hopefully they'll start to become your obsessions as well, or maybe they already are.  And if you think I'm a whiny, self-centered pain-in-the-ass writer, that's cool.  Tell me; I can take it.  Haven't you been paying attention?  I'm a writer.  I'm used to rejection. :)


  1. I remember reading those dinosaur books. As a matter of fact, I think I have one or two tucked away for posterity.

  2. Who could ever forget the dinosaur obsession?! Loved reading your first blog an ELA teacher, I'm with you on the good grammar thing...looking forward to reading more
